Rapid Seismic Vulnerability Assessment of Buildings in the Old Algiers

Farah LAZZALI, Mohammed N. FARSI


The selection of an appropriate seismic vulnerability method to evaluate buildings stock in urban area depends essentially on the available information. Information about buildings can be obtained essentially from field visual inspection. In this context, rapid visual procedure to collect buildings data can be used to identify vulnerable buildings based their structural characteristics. In this study, which aims to evaluate the seismic vulnerability of existing buildings in the old part of Algiers (Algeria), including Casbah and Bab El Oued areas, buildings data has been collected using rapid visual exterior examination. Then, with the main purpose to evaluate the physical damage and its relationship with the seismic intensity, empirical method using the vulnerability index, previously developed during the European project Risk-UE, is used. Results and conclusions of this work could be useful to define appropriate measures to upgrade seismic performance of existing buildings.


Seismic vulnerability; Damage probability; Masonry building; Vulnerability index

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