الصورة الصامتة في رقميات منعم الأزرق "شجر البوغاز" أنموذجاً

سناء مدقن


This study seeks and aims to show the importonce of the silent of the image and how it was built by the poet "MUNEM AL AZRAQ" and its effect iveness within an era that took the digital revolution into a new virtual world forrming the features of the image as a joy to make itself within this existance.

Digital literature today gets technological dranges that impose on it new construction mechanisms that are contrary to the construction of the previously used written text .

Today , it is required that ther be a conscious recipient who has programming experiences that help him interact positively with the rhetoric of thes new characteriçticsç ) sound , image , graphic , music , movement(

Texte intégral :



  • Il n'y a présentement aucun renvoi.