الكفايات المنهجية للمنظور الأخلاقي في النّقد المعاصر (النّقد الأخلاقي للحداثة الغربيّة عند طه عبد الرّحمان أنموذجا).
This study aims to highlight the importance of the ethical approach in expanding the horizons of contemporary critical discourse by leveraging the ethical principles underlying ethical criticism. It seeks to broaden the scope of terminological reference in criticism and uncover the methodological competencies achievable through this critical orientation, by examining the model of ethical criticism of Western civilization according to Taha Abderrahman. Additionally, this study aims to identify the shortcomings and cognitive deficiencies inherent in the Western modernist model. The study concludes that critical practice guided by an ethical orientation possesses significant and genuine methodological competencies in illuminating the contemporary modernist scene. Furthermore, Taha Abderrahman's model of ethical criticism stands as a vivid example substantiating this claim by deconstructing modernist concepts and constructing alternatives that ensure essential cognitive, methodological, and ethical guarantees for humanity.
Texte intégral :
- Il n'y a présentement aucun renvoi.