القصيدة الصوفيّة بين دهشة القراءة وفتنة التّأويل. قراءة في عدّة نماذج.

مرزوقي وسام


There is no doubt that the reader of the Sufi poem as a poetic structure emanating from the heart of a unique customary spiritual experience, and a world in which letters and words interact vitally, finds himself forced to travel with it and in it to explore the secrets of its poetry, its language is based on encryption and condensation, full of with symbols and signs, which makes its connotations subject to the process of concealment and manifestation, wearing an infinite number of semantics, and between the extension of semantics and islands of meanings the Sufi poem tries to express boldly confusing existence, absolute and truth, and confuse its reader mentally and It is a fantasy and a quirk that only has a limited amount of meaning to enter its worlds.

Between the glee of mystery and the interpretation of semantics, the reader remains unable to penetrate the Sufi poem and break it up until after passing through its curves and curves several times, to discover the symbols and connotations it stores, because the goal of the Sufi poet is to form a text that is unable to reveal and On the one hand, creating an awareness that leads the reader to the magic of symbolism, reference and interpretation on the other, and therefore the poet's tendency to write in the ink of luminous mysticism is a tendency to seduce and seduce, and to aesthetic blindness that renews consciousness Reader with every reading process

Texte intégral :



  • Il n'y a présentement aucun renvoi.