التمثيل الثقافي في الرواية الجزائرية المكتوبة بالفرنسية لمرحلة ما بين الحربين

عزيز نعمان


This article focuses on the Algerian novel of French expression between the wars, given that this is the first embryonic phase of the Algerian novel, having known nine novels, the least that can be said is that they have not been the subject of many studies, nor have they attracted the interest of researchers, especially in Arabic. What attracts attention in all of these novelistic texts is the relationship that exists between the visible ideological aspect and the cultural references and intellectual foundations of the writers, as well as the specificity of the cultural representation, its features and aspects of its conversion, or rather its elevation, to a cultural reaction to the colonialist policy of assimilation and erasure of the Algerian self.

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  • Il n'y a présentement aucun renvoi.