البنية الحِجَاجية في قصيدة المتنبي "واحر قلباه"
The artistic experience of Abu Tayeb al-Mutanabi represented a bright moment in the history of Arabic poetry. It has involved expressive capabilities and imaginative capacities that made his poems escape imprisonment of the moment and existing suggestions to create for itself its private aesthetic time and its unique imaginative context. Truly, it was a defying text to all ancient and modern attempts to name the meaning and identify the significance. It was an innovation that penetrates with its defying and glamorous language all accurate and final methodological categories, critical analysis and rhetoric
The poem: "My heart is aflame" is considered an outstanding example of the privacy of uncontrolled poetic, which is not enclosed or delimited by analytical methods no matter how different are their procedural tools and expanded and diversified theoretical concepts
The present research seeks to discuss the issues of: the approach in the study of literature; question whether or not approaches, separate or unified, can seize all the elements of the poetic text, and reveal all its artistic and imaginative dimensions, based on a stylistic analysis that presents the major conclusions reached by previous studies of the poem in question. At the same time, it highlights suggestive connotations which were concealed in it. These were exposed thanks to the transformations that marked literary approaches recently due to their exposure to new theories of reception, communication and argumentations.
Texte intégral :
- Il n'y a présentement aucun renvoi.