الكتابة النسوية وخطاب الهيمنة وتغييب الهوية النسوية (مقاربة سيميائية لروايات فضيلة الفاروق).
Talking about the feminist creative experience is confusing, because it is primarily related to the reality of society; creativity is an art, first based on talent and then on freedom. The latter seems to be unclear in the Arab atmosphere, especially with regard to women's freedom. Therefore, it becomes more complex when writing is looking for deliverance from the social situation endured by woman because writing is an expression and a revelation before being a linguistic structure. This fact confirms the truth laying in every issue writing, and by issue, I inevitably mean the real pain felt by the author in himself and seen in others. Concerning woman, her first pain is to seek to establish rules of respect for her being and her thought independently. Thus, we will try through three novels by Fadhila al-Faruq, (The Mood of a Teenager “Mizadj morahiqa”, The Feminine Shame “Taa al khadjel”, The Discovery of Desire“ Iktichaf al chahwa”), to follow the patriarchal society project that works to absent woman as a voice, an act and a being, in order to impose its dominance and maintain its superiority
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