البنية السوسيونصية ورؤية العالم في الرواية العربية المعاصرة الغرف الأخرى أنموذجا
The socio-textual structure and the worldview in the contemporary Arabic novel The Other Rooms as an example The social and textual structures in the contemporary Arabic novel are a fundamental aspect in forming the worldview, as it is defined by Lucian Goldman, through actual and possible awareness, world vision, meaningful structure and whole vision. The cognitive aspect of the Arabic novel makes it a reflection of the Arab social reality in its modern historical eras.
The Arabic novel shows various directions and currents of thought, culture, civilizations and societies. Hence, we will work on one novel Alghoraf Al-Okhra by Jebra Ibrahim Jebra that has been considered prominent in the last decades as an example. It tackles the political hegemony on social life. The social structure varied between Paralysis and action due to the coercive political power. The novel's fictional characters that reflect the social reality are paralysed because of the absence of non-compulsory or enforced awareness.
The research is concerned with five axes: actual awareness, possible awareness, world vision, meaningful structure, and whole vision. We relied on the methodology of constitutive structuralism in tackling the novel. We reached some results. The paper started by approaching the role of textual and social structures in formatting the vision of the world in the novel.
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