التناص في الرواية السيرذاتية سيرة المنتهى ــــ عشتها كما اشتهتْني ـــ لواسيني الأعرج
Intertextuality is a modern concept that came as a revolution against what circulated in the theory of literature to speak of its motives, such as inspiration, simulation, reflection and creation. Access the worlds of the text. Wacini Laredj is an Algerian academic writer, novelist and creator whose experience has enabled him to live by mixing books, sitting with the simple ones, interacting with intellectuals, and traveling to different capitals of life and its surroundings. Attitudes towards the various relationships that unite him with the other, whether they are combined or different.
Texte intégral :
- Il n'y a présentement aucun renvoi.