انفتاح الحكاية القبائلية العجيبة على المعتقدات الدينيّة الإحيائيّة–دراسة أنتروبولوجيّة تطوريّة-
This article deals with the question of opening up the the kabyle fairy tale to animist religious beliefs. The subject contains a theoretical aspect in which the terms of the title have been defined: the Kabyle fairy tale and its ethnographic peculiarities, animist religious beliefs and the concept of the evolutionist anthropological theory. An applied aspect in which the fairy tale has been analyzed from a comparative evolutionary anthropological perspective. The comparative anthropological study made it possible to deduce the survivals of religious beliefs in the tale that we have studied. The global nature of the animist religion has been discovered, the survivals of which are still in the depths of man and his material, literary and spiritual creations. The reason for the survival of animism lies in the importance of its subject, which deals with the idea of death, life and eternal resurrection, whether in popular tales, or in mythological and religious texts, ancient and modern.
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- Il n'y a présentement aucun renvoi.