L’urbanité langagière tizi-ouzéenne : fantasmes et tabous



Deg tezrawt-agi, nezrew tameslyat n tama n ufella n temdint n Tizi-Uzzu « zdimuḥ » ; d tameslyat temyekcamen gar taqbaylit d taɛrabt, yi-s ay netteɛqal imezdaɣ n temdint n Tizi-Uzzu. D tameslayt terkeḍ tefransist imi semmrasen-tt kan wid ur neɣri ara. D cu kan tafransist semmrasen-tt wid yeɣran.
Abstract Considered as the ontological foundation of citadinity, zdimoh (a hybrid arabic-kabyle language anchored in the temporality of the newcomer and having dechera as a glottogenic focus) justifies the identity defector of the rural migrant. Constituted in schema of alienation, it becomes a casus belli, the first act motivating glottophobie. Parallel to the "ancestral" zdimoh prevails a neo-language norm called tahlab, backed by the fantasy of modernity. While having the value of a juvenile phenotype, the "language of the tahlab" is self-identified under the prism of the deviance which mobilizes the entropic figures of the "fool" and the "thug". Above all, it symbolizes the auto-odic part of oneself, that of a forced socialization. Faced with french seen as an archetype of knowledge, it denotes a state of ignorance, just as kabyle and zdimoh then reified in an archaic status quo. In this perspective, the french language ensures the doubling allowing the subject to simulate his ideal of intellectuality or to satisfy the fantasy of civilization, but paradoxically embodies a heterotopic norm inducing glottophagy. Keywords : urban sociolinguistics, linguistic taboos, glotophobia, hurrain space, language practices

Texte intégral :



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ISSN 2170-113X / E-ISSN 2602-6449

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