Dictionnaire numérique de la terminologie de spécialité



Deg unadi-agi, ad nesken amawal umḍin yerzan awalen n taɣulin deg tmaziɣt. iswi-nneɣ s wallal-agi, nebɣa ad nesdukkel akk ayen ay-d-yefeɣen deg yidlisen yerna nenwa ad nessidef tutlyat deg wallan-agi atraren n taywalt.
We present in this paper a digital dictionary of terminology in Tamazight which offers, besides making available to users and researchers a powerful linguistic tool that meets their needs, federate the various actors in lexical creation, currently dispersed; as well as accompanying the integration of Berber in education and the new areas of communication implied by its new status.
Keywords: digital dictionary, specialty terminology, lexical creation, teaching, communication

Texte intégral :



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  • Il n'y a présentement aucun renvoi.

ISSN 2170-113X / E-ISSN 2602-6449

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