Tâches et embûches de la lexicographie



Tamukrist n tezrawt-agi, tabna tebna tebna ɣef sin n yisteqsiyen. Amezwaru, yerza assaɣ yellan gar uskenawal d tesnilest ; meḥsub assaɣ yellan gar umawal d tjerrumt d tesnamekt. Wis sin, yerza iferdisen s wacu ara d-nnesbadu deg umawal; meḥsub tudifin I ylaqen ad ilint. Ilaq ad d-nesbadu di tazwara tudifin ara yilin deg umawal ilmend n wayen yeḥwaǧ win ara t-yesmersen ;. meḥsub ayen yessen d wayen i ilaqen ad t-yissin.
Grammar and lexicon share some structural features; among which is the existence of a part of indeterminacy and randomness in their structure. Lexicology consists of the analysis and description of the lexicon, while lexicography aims to present the knowledge thus acquired. The making of dictionaries supposes that descriptive problems such as the classes of words, the meanings of words, their possible variations and their successive layers are solved. Similarly, the practical purposes that are assigned to the dictionary are supposed to be previously defined: to which category (or categories) of the population is the dictionary intended? what is his command of the language? Are specific activities covered by the dictionary (sports, computer ...)? The answers to these questions will inevitably involve randomness and uncertainty; they must then be supported by statistical considerations (taking into account the frequency of use, the extension in the linguistic community).
Keywords: statistical dimension, hierarchical structure, semantic variations, description of uses, social variations of the lexicon.

Texte intégral :



BOSSEL, Philippe, 1986 : Étude de la structure du signifié appréhendée à travers quelques unités lexicales du français délimitées dans le cadre du champ notionnel des âges de la vie humaine, (Mémoire inédit), Faculté de lettres, Université de Lausanne

BLOOMFIELD, Leonard, 1970 : Le langage, Paris, Payot, (Ed. orig. 1935) p. 152

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FREI, Henri, 1929/2011: La grammaire des fautes, Genève, Slatkine.

GOUGENHEIM, Georges, MICHEA René, RIVENC Paul, SAUVAGEOT Aurélien, L'élaboration du français élémentaire : étude sur l'établissement d'un vocabulaire et d'une grammaire de base, Paris, Didier, 1956. Nouv. éd. 1964

MAHMOUDIAN, Morteza, 1989 : Unité et diversité de la signification, La Linguistique, vol. 25, fasc.2, 1989, p.115-132

MARTINET, André, 1945/1971 : La prononciation du français contemporain, Genève, Droz,

MARTINET, André, 1989 : Réflexions sur la signification, La Linguistique, vol. 25, fasc. 1, p 43-51, voir p. 50.


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ISSN 2170-113X / E-ISSN 2602-6449

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