Effect of shear deformations due to bending and warping on the buckling resistances of thin-walled steel beams

Bui Tien THANH, Tien Nguyen DUY, Pham Van PHE


The present paper successfully develops a closed form solution based on a shear deformation theory for elastic lateral-torsional buckling analyses of simply supported thin-walled steel beams. The theory captures the shear effects caused by transverse bending, lateral bending and warping deformations. The closed form solution is successfully validated against 3 dimensional finite element analyses conducted in commercial software. Through various comparisons between the buckling resistances based on a non-shear deformation theory and the buckling resistances based on the present shear deformation theory, the present study finds that (i) the effect of shear deformations on the buckling resistances decreases when the beam span increases, (ii) the effect of shear deformations on the buckling resistance is sensitive with the change of the flange width, and (iii) the effect of shear deformations in general is also influenced by the change of the section depth, and the flange and web thicknesses.


lateral torsional buckling, shear deformations, closed form solution, shear effects

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