Approximation solution for steel concrete beam accounting high-order shear deformation using trigonometric-series

Hien Duy TA, Khoa Tan NGUYEN, Tien Dao NGOC, Hang Thi DO, Tung Xuan NGUYEN, Diem Dang NGUYEN


Steel concrete beams have a reasonable structure in terms of using material and high load carrying capacity. This paper deals with an approximate solution based on a trigonometric series for the static of steel concrete beams. The displacement field is based on the higher-order theory using Reddy’s hypothesis. The governing equations are derived from variation principles. An approximate solution based on the representation of displacement fields by trigonometric series is developed to solve the static problem of steel concrete beams. In order to verify the accuracy of the present approximate solution, numerical results are compared with those of exact solutions using classical beam theory. The displacements and nominal stress distributions in the depth direction are obtained with various high of beams. The present approximate approach can accurately predict the displacements and stresses of steel concrete beams.


Steel concrete beam; Spproximate solution; Higher-order beam; Trigonometric series

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