Determining factors affecting road users’ acceptability level of waiting time at signalized intersections
Traffic lights are installed to reduce crucial conflicts at high-traffic volume intersections. However, waiting time, a critical factor related to the delay and level of service, cannot be avoided at these intersections. In addition, the long waiting time may lead to road users’ impatience. Consequentially, it can motivate them to violate red lights. Therefore, designers should provide an appropriate cycle length and waiting time that meets the road users’ acceptability level. This paper tends to determine factors affecting road users’ acceptability level of waiting time in Hanoi by applying an ordered probit model using questionnaire data. The results demonstrate that the most significant factors include gender, occupation, transportation mode, commuting time/frequency, and traffic law understanding. Specifically, males, people whose occupation is business, who have commuting time in peak hours, who have commuting frequency more than three times per week, and motorcycle riders are sensitive and have less patience with the delay. By contrast, people who understand the traffic law may be more patient to wait at long cycle-length signalized intersection.
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