A review of research on fiber reinforced concrete

Atteshamuddin S. SAYYAD, Ramiz Anis SAYYAD


Concrete is the most widely used construction material in the world. Nowadays the world is witnessing the construction of more and more challenging Industrial structures. So, the concrete needs to possess very high-strength, high performance, and sufficient workability. Researchers all over the world are developing high-performance concrete by adding various types of fibers in different proportions. Various fibers like steel, glass, carbon, polypropylene, and natural fibers provide improvement in mechanical properties of concrete such as compressive strength, flexural strength, tensile strength, bond strength, fatigue characteristic, durability, shrinkage, impact, erosion resistance, and serviceability of concrete. Because of such characteristics, fiber-reinforced concrete has found many applications in the civil engineering field. An attempt has been made to review the available literature on fiber-reinforced concrete. This review aims to study the present research work on fiber-reinforced concrete and the scope of different fibers in future research work. From the review, the conclusion can be drawn that vast research work has been carried out on the mechanical properties of steel fiber reinforced concrete (SFRC). However, the elastic properties of SFRC are not fully explored in this literature. Also, there is a scope for researchers to study the properties of carbon fiber, polypropylene fiber, cotton fiber, basalt fiber, jute fiber, Nano human hair fiber, and hybrid fiber in concrete. Research on the use of waste material as fiber in concrete has wide scope in the future as using waste material will reduce its impact on the environment and will reduce pollution.


Steel fiber reinforced concrete; Glass fiber reinforced concrete; Other fibers; Mechanical strengths of concrete

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