Numerical analysis of pipe jacking in deep soft soil based on the construction of urban underground sewage pipeline

Ji CHEN, Bangyao ZHONG, Jianxin YANG, Xuenan ZHENG, Xuegang ZHU, Qiang TANG


Pipe jacking construction in complex soil layers and soil conditions remains to be a tough issue, because various factors are supposed to be considered and the jacking parameters needs optimization. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the impact of pipe jacking on surface settlement, soil deformation and pipe-soil interaction in a numerical model of pipe jacking through deep soft soil, which is a simulated construction of urban underground sewage pipeline. The results show that the pipe jacking construction adopted in the deep soft soil layer has little effect on the surrounding soil layers. And the maximum ground settlement is only about 8 mm. The impact of pipe jacking construction in deep soft soil layer on ground settlement is about 6 times the diameter of the jacking pipe along the pipe axis. Finally, the input force needs to be selected according to the condition of the soil layer to ensure the safety of the pipe jacking construction.


Pipe jacking, Deep soft soil, Three-dimensional pipeline model

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