Modelling of Creep Rupture in Clay using the Bounding Surface Viscoplasticity Theory



The creep process is generally defined into three stages: primary, secondary and tertiary creep. Tertiary creep is the last phase among the three phases of creep process, where the strain rate accelerates until creep rupture occurs. This paper presents a viscoplastic constitutive model and demonstrates the capability of the model to capture tertiary creep and creep rupture. The model is based on the bounding surface plasticity and the viscoplastic consistency framework. It meets the consistency condition and allows a seamless transition from rate-independent plasticity to rate-dependent viscoplasticity. The rate-dependency is achieved through defining the bounding surface as a function of viscoplastic volumetric strain and viscoplastic volumetric strain rate. Simulation results and comparison with experimental data are presented for a set of undrained creep tests on normally consolidated soil and drained creep tests on heavily over-consolidated clay to show the application of the model in capturing the tertiary creep in clayey soils.


Tertiary Creep; Clay; Bounding Surface; Viscoplasticity;

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