Influence of treated sediment substitution percentage on workability, strength and porosity of SCC



Sediment dredging is often confronted with the problem of eliminating the quantities of extracted mud. This issue has given rise to valorization policy in order to provide an alternative to the storage and disposal of dredged sediments. This study concerns the developing of self-compacting concretes (SCC) by substituting partialy cement with sediment dredged from Chorfa dam (Algeria) after being calcined. The results showed that a substitution up to 30% of cement with calcined mud in SCC seems feasible according to the found mechanical performances which were close even better than those of the reference SCC. Moreover, the studied SCC showed very fine porosities which make of them potentially sustainable SCC’s.


Self-Compacting Concrete; Valorization; Calcined mud; Compressive strength


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