Static analysis of composite material plates "Case of a typical ceramic/metal FGM" in thermal environments

Bachir BOUDERBA, Abdelrahmane Bekaddour BENYAMINA


The abrupt change in the properties of composite materials across the interface between different materials can cause strong inter-laminar stresses leading to delineation, cracking and other damage mechanisms. To remedy these defects, functional gradient materials (FGM), in which the properties of materials vary constantly, have been proposed. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the thermomechanical bending behavior of ceramic / metal thick plates (FGM). This work presents a model employing a new transverse shear function. The numerical results obtained by the present analysis are presented and compared with those available in the literature. It can be concluded that this theory is effective and simple for static analysis of FGM plates in thermal environments.


Transverse shear; Thermal behavior; FGM


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